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About Us


Goa enjoys a place of pride in the country as one of the most literate states of India. It was liberated from Portuguese rule in 1961 and has registered impressive progress in the field of education since then. The State has achieved 87.40 per cent literacy as per the 2011 population census.

The Government of Goa considers education as the foundation for human development and a source of cultivation of traits for responsible citizenship. In keeping with the Directive Principles incorporated in the Constitution, it has worked toward the objective of universalization of education and has almost achieved its target at the elementary school stage. The growing demand for education at the secondary and higher secondary levels has also been met to a large extent. Because of the above, the main emphasis is on-

• Upgradation and qualitative improvement of education.

• The orientation of teachers to keep them abreast with modern techniques in the teaching-learning situation.

• Vocationalisation of Education / Computer Education.

• Strengthening of administrative machinery for effective implementation of policies.

The education system in Goa is effectively streamlined in keeping with the National Policy on Education, 1986 as modified in 1992, to upgrade the quality of education at all levels. The state has already enacted the Compulsory Education Act (1995) and has enforced it from 5-9-1996 to ensure that no child in the age group of 6-14 years remains out of school.

Though the state of Goa has recorded 87.40 per cent literacy and a high attainment level, the need of the hour is to reinforce its educational policy towards bridging regional and gender gaps, reducing the drop-out rate, emphasizing skill development and vocational programs to curb unemployment, improving quality of education, infrastructure development in schools, the orientation of teachers, computer integrated education and up-gradation of libraries.