District Institute of Education and Training (D.I.E.T)
Following the up-gradation of the erstwhile Govt. Teachers Training College at Porvorim, the institution came into existence as a DIET in June 1990. This DIET runs under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Union Government of India under the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
Role and Mission
DIET Goa is a District-level institute with five branches working collectively for the upliftment of elementary education. The major thrust of DIET Goa is the education of teachers working in the field of elementary education through the Training of fresh incumbents to be full-fledged teachers and Refresher programs on various areas of education for teachers with a considerable span of experience. As a micro-level unit of the network of education, a DIET, Goa is sensitive to the problems and needs of elementary education within its jurisdiction. Besides teacher education, it undertakes research studies in the lab areas and finds solutions to difficulties arising in the fields of enrolment, stagnation, and wastage attends to children's achievement attainments, methods, and materials of teaching and attainment of 100% literacy.
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