Centrally Sponsored Schemes
Improvement of Science Education
The Government has initiated special schemes for the improvement of Science Education in Schools as follows:
Up-gradation of Science laboratories in secondary and Higher Secondary Schools. Supply of Library books to Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools The scheme was introduced in Goa in the year 1987-88, under this scheme 100% assistance is given to the State Government by the Government of India. Each school, Secondary and Higher Secondary, is provided with the financial assistance of Rs. 48,000/- (Rs. 30,000/- for up-gradation of Science Laboratories and Rs. 18,000/- for the supply are covered under this scheme. Every Higher Secondary (Science faculty) and secondary school both Govt. and Govt. aided schools are covered under this scheme. Every school has to give their requirement along with estimated expenditure in the prescribed proforma.
New Educational Technology
The National Policy on Education, 1986 emphasizes that modern technology must reach out to the most distant areas and most deprived sections of beneficiaries simultaneously with the area of comparative affluence and easy availability. This approach would intrinsically favor the use of broadcast methods with their inherent advantage, of greater reach, the convenience of management and cost-effectiveness. Accordingly, it is proposed that the ET service should be progressively extended the minimum required ET coverage to all the major language zones in the country and listening/viewing facilities should be provided in educational institutions to make optimum use of transmission/ software generation facilities. Assistance would be provided to the State/Uts for taking up the phased program of providing TV sets (75% of the cost) and Radio cum Cassettes player (100% of the cost) to schools.
National Population Education Programme
SCERT also has a Population Education Cell, which carries out activities under the National Population Education Project. The objective of the Population Education Programme
- To educate the young child on issue of demography, urbanization, gender etc.
- To emphasize the small family norm.
- To promote skill development in students for proper sexual behavior and health.
This is a centrally sponsored programme under which funds are provided to schools to carry out various out various activities.
The State Institute of Education has been actively working on a variety of activities for creating and nurturing interest in Science and Mathematics among teacher and students. These activities include organizing Science fairs and exhibitions, seminars National Science Day etc. There is a strong link built up with the Department of Science, Technology, and Environment, Goa Science Center, Nehru Science Centre, Worli, Mumbai and National Council of Science Museum, New Delhi, which offer rich opportunities to the learners of science.
1.Science Seminar
- To stimulate and motivate Secondary and Higher Secondary Students.
- To explore new horizons in the field of Science.
- Goa
- Gujarat
- Maharashtra
- Chattisgarh
- Rajasthan
- Daman
- Diu
- Dadara & Nagar Haveli
- To help students evolve a practical approach towards problems in Science
- To develop a scientific attitude and scientific temper amongst students.
4. State Level Drama Competition.
Objectives: To spread scientific literacy and eradicate superstition among the masses especially rural areas. The State Institute of Education in collaboration with National Council of Science Museum organizers Science Drama competition for the students of Secondary and Higher Secondary School. The two best Dramas are selected for the participation at the Western Zone Science Drama competition at Nehru Science Center, Mumbai.
5. National Science Day
- To inculcate a Spirit of Science and draw inspiration from great scientist.
- To develop a scientific attitude and scientific temper amongst the students
Eligibility: a)Ala students studying in class X in all Government, Aided, Private, Navodaya Vidhyalayas, Kendriya Vidhyalayas and Public schools the State of Goa, scoring more than 60% marks in Class IX are eligible to appear for the State Level Talent Search Examination. b)Top 25 students are selected to appear for National Talent Search Examination. Details of the Programme: State level NTS examination (Screening Test) is being conducted at 5 centres i.e. (1) Mapusa (2) Margao (3) Panaji (4) Ponda and (5) Vasco in the month of a November on 4th Sunday every year as per NCERTs guidelines. Screening Test Rules
- A candidate studying in Std. X and scoring not less than 60% marks in Std. IX is eligible to appear for the test.
- The exact seat number to a candidate will be assigned by the Director, State Institute of Education, Alto Porvorim. It will be communicated to the candidate through the Head of the School.
- A candidate may choose any one of the following Examination Centres: 1)Mapusa, 2)Margao, 3)Panaji, 4)Ponda, 5)Vasco.
- After filling the application form candidate should submit it to the Head of the School who will forward it to the Director, S.I.E, Alto-Porvorim before the due date.
- Incomplete forms will not be accepted, admission of the ineligible candidate (may be cancelled at any stage by this office).
- No correspondence shall be entertained in connection with the result of the examination. The names of the selected 25 candidates will be intimated to the Headmaster of the respective School.
- Postal address if changed should be communicated to the Director, S.I.E. Porvorim immediately.
- Candidates will have to bear the expenses for appearing at the examination centre.
- Candidates should report at the assigned examination centre on the date of examination, fifteen (15) minutes before the commencement of the exam.
- A candidate will have no option for subjects in the examination.
- Questions in the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) paper will be on the Units covered in Std. IX and X only in Science, Maths and Social Science.
- A student should score a minimum of 40% in both the parts i.e. MAT (Mental Ability Test) and SAT separately to be eligible for the second level NTS examination (32% for SC/ST) to be held on May 7, 2006.
- Questions in Scholastic Aptitude Test will be based on the complete syllabus of Std. IX and X.
- The Modified National Talent Search Scheme is given below:
- The scholarship will be given to the candidates from Classes IX onward till they complete PhD in basic sciences, social sciences including commerce. The candidates, who will pursue their studies in professional courses like medicine, engineering, management, and law, will be given scholarship up to second-degree level.
- National Talent Search Examination will be held at the end of Class VIII to select 1000 candidates for the award of scholarship.
- The selection test will have two question papers the Mental Ability Test and Scholastic Aptitude Test. The Mental Ability Test will have 100 multiple-choice items each carrying one mark. SAT will also have 100 items each of one mark. The SAT will consist of questions on Basic Sciences (40), Social Sciences (40) and Mathematics (20). The other criteria of selection will be same as were in National Talent Search Examination, which was being held at the end of Class X.
- Selection of Candidates at the end of Class X for the Selection years 2007 and 2008 on account of Modifications in NTS Scheme
As per the revised National Talent Search Scheme, the National Talent Search Examination will be held at the end of Class VIII from the selection year 2007 onward.
The introduction of NTS examination at the end of Class VIII and discontinuance of NTS examination at the end of Class X will create an anomaly for those children who are studying in classes IX and X in the academic session 2006-07, as they will be deprived of the opportunity for appearing in any one of the NTS examinations. It has, therefore, been decided that NCERT will conduct two more NTS examinations at the end of Class X for the selection year 2007 and 2008. - Payment of Scholarship:
- NCERT has decided to enhance the rate of scholarship to Rs.500/- per month per student for all classes.
- Ph. D students will continue to get the scholarship as per UGC norms.
- There will be no income criteria for the payment of scholarship.
- The revised rate of the scholarship will be made applicable from the current session 2005-2006.
- Syllabi to be covered in both the examinations:
- There are no syllabi for any of the examinations.
- However, questions will be asked based on the curriculum of classes VII/VIII in the selection test to be held at the end of class VIII.
- As per practice the question will be asked from the curriculum of the second stage for the NTS examination to be held at the end of class X.
- Dates of Examination at the end of Class VIII and X.
State Level: It was decided that the State Level selection test both for Class VIII and X will be held on 2nd Sunday of November in all the States except Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Andaman & Nagaland Islands which will conduct the test on 2nd Saturday of November each year.
National Level: The second level NTS examination for both the classes will be held on 2nd Sunday of May as per the existing practice. - Last date for submission of State Level Results:
All States/UTs have to submit both the results by the end of January each year. However, those States which will submit the information of candidates bio-data on magnetic media (CD/floppy/e-mail) have to submit the result by 15th February each year. - Publicity to Create Awareness among Students/Masses
All States/UTs will give wide publicity using advertisements in the newspapers, T.V., Radio, etc. to create awareness among students and masses for the conduct of the NTS examination at the end of Class VIII. Liaison Officers will write letters to District authorities and/or Principals of the schools for the same. A copy of this letter/advertisement will be sent to NCERT.
C. Incentive Scholarship Examination
1.Objectives To identify brilliant students at the end of Class IV studying in Rural, Urban and Slum area schools in vernacular medium (Konkani, Marathi & Urdu) and to provide them financial assistance towards getting good education up to Class X.
2.Modalities: The examination involves 3 subjects of the total weight of 100 marks (language 40 marks, Maths 30 marks, and Environmental Studies 30 marks). The duration of the examination is 2 hours.
3.Eligibility : Rural Area : 6 students from General Category 2 students from children of Landless Labourers 2 students from Other Backward Community 1 student from SC/ST Category 1 student from the Slum area, respectively from each school. Urban Area: 2 students from General Category 2 students from children of Landless Labourers 1 student from Other Backward Community 1 student from SC/ST Category 1 student from Slum area, respectively from each school.
4.Detailed program: The examination is being conducted at every taluka in the 3rd week of April (Sunday) every year after the annual examination.
5. Scholarship to be awarded: 220 scholarships.
D. Science Talent Search Examination
- Objective of the Scheme:
- To create interest about Science and Mathematics among students
- To develop a competitive spirit so that these children can face various competitive examinations in future at different stages with confidence.
- To help school children update their knowledge of the recent advancement in Science and Mathematics
- Eligibility
Students studying in Std. VIII, IX and X with the following percentage of marks in Mathematics and Science in the annual examination of Std. VII, VIII and IX respectively are eligible to appear for Science Talent Search examination.
For Children belonging to General Category : 75% and above
For Children belonging to SC/ST Category : 60% and above - No. of Scholarships :
- Standard VIII IX X
- Category : General, 40 40 40
- SC/ST 10 10 10
- Amount of Scholarship : Rs1500/- per annum
- Examination:
- Examination will be conducted in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. There will be total 100 objective questions i.e. 25 questions in each subject.
- Examination will be of 1hours duration and it will be conducted in English, Marathi and Urdu media.
- Content area for the examination will be the same as that of Std. VIII, IX and X in these subjects.
- Paper setters will be appointed by the Director of State Institute of Education, Alto Porvorim-Goa.
- Centres of the examination :
Examination will be conducted at each Taluka headquarter i.e. at 11 centres in the State of Goa. - Criteria for selection of the students for the award of scholarship:
- First top 40 from children belonging to General Category.
- First top 10 from SC/ST category will be awarded scholarships.
- If there is any tie, ranking will be done in order of the marks obtained in the following subjects 1)Mathematics 2)Physics 3)Chemistry 4)Biology
- If still there is a tie, the student of lower age will be preferred for award of scholarships.
- To qualify for award of scholarships student should get minimum 10 marks in each of the above subject.